Well, that wasn’t all that bad. Still plenty of tweakage to go.
OK, that’s weird…

I must’ve seriously hosed this web site last night trying to halt the migration to Google’s servers mid-way through. My previous post doesn’t actually show up on the web site (and this one probably won’t either)… but I just had a reply to it land in my email inbox! Hmmm…. ::mumbles something technical::
Moving to WordPress, one way or another…

Not that there’s a lot of action here, but it seems I’m soon going to have to move this here blog away from Blogger.com and host using WordPress instead.
Blogger.com, not wanting to support FTP uploads anymore, would like us all to migrate our data over to Google’s very own web servers. Generally I trust Google more than maybe I should, but in this case I think I’ll just use my own web host, thankya kindly.
So that means I get to learn WordPress. And convert two blogs. By May 1. Yay.
But maybe that would be too trendy.
Fascinating Fact: A year’s worth of my posts fits on this front page.
I know, the top post on my blog should be something other than an ages-old political joke.
And now, it’s not.
Who Needs Camp David When You Have Little Diomede Island, or, Bering Strait Talk

For some reason I’m often fascinated by geographical oddities, and this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve flown via Google Earth to Alaska’s Little Diomede Island. There, you can stand anywhere on the western slope of the island and look across the International Date Line to Big Diomede Island, part of Russia, 2 miles away.
Here’s the Google Earth view of the town of Diomede, Alaska, population 146:
(and here are some real pictures.)
Wikipedia notes, with citation, that Senator Ted Stevens is the only state elected official to ever visit the island.
Indeed, quite the hotbed of international diplomacy.
(Actually I think it sounds like an intriguing place. Who’s up for a road trip?)
Update 10:44pm: Michael Palin has been there.
I’m not a huge fan of either performer, but this mashup of Michael Jackson’s
Smooth Criminal with scenes from Fred Astaire’s movies is just brilliant. Spotted by Boing Boing, of course.
(I may also have to admit to a sudden crush on Cyd Charisse about 50 years too late.)
When All Else Fails…

Post a cat picture.
I Wanna Join the Circus

Ever have one of those days you wish the world would just quit spinning for a few minutes?