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The High Council Will Hear Of This Dishonor

Take a look at the picture accompanying this article over at CNN. Was it really that hard to find a good picture of a Klingon?
It’s just begging for a caption contest. Let’s see…
- “Gee, Billy, it sure was nice of Commander Tomalak to let us into his private museum!”
- “Watch what happens when I put a Tribble in the box!”
- “I got as far as the head, and then I decided that building my own robotic Orion slave girl would be a lot more rewarding.”
- “You know how Klingons rise in rank by assassinating their superior officers? Well, I don’t mean to brag, but you’re talking to the new captain of the I.K.S. Negh’Var.”
OK, I’m all tapped out.
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