Mar 30

How refreshing that 82% of Americans can actually agree on something. Namely that Congress should have stayed the hell out of the Schiavo case. This whole debacle has shown us that the Republicans cater to the “Religious Right” far too much, and the Democrats haven’t the guts to state an opinion.

Wouldn’t this be a nice time for a third party? And no, I’m not talking about any of the existing ones.

2 comments so far...

  • Jerry Said on March 31st, 2005 at 11:28 pm:

    Seriously. And I am also happy people agree here, which I think people do more than “Red vs Blue” fussmongers like to see. I heard the percentages among those self-reporting as Christians were similar. I hope this bites every politician who tried use this sad situation in the ass, and the public comes to realize that “the other side” isn’t that different.

    Btw, Fark just linked the Solar Death Ray. You scooped them by a week.

  • drewbert Said on April 4th, 2005 at 2:23 am:

    Yeah, well I got the link from Slashdot, so I can’t feel all that special :)