All Crappy Things…

I’ll have to come back later to offer my review of the final episode of Enterprise, as well a few thoughts I have on the end of the franchise. In the meantime, I’ll just note that having Phlox pass out barf bags in the penultimate episode was appropriately prophetic.

Listen up, world, ’cause I’m only going to say this once. If you’re female, astoundingly cute, roughly my age, are chatty and funny, and just in general flirty as hell with me, would you please do me the favor of NOT BEING ALREADY HAPPILY MARRIED? I mean come on, already.
Actually I bought this intending to come here and complain that they weren’t actually dark, evil Cheez-its. But in fact this batch has some sort of hideously nasty chemical aftertaste. Indeed, the dark side is with these baked snack crackers.