Not Ready For Prime Time

Downloaded Yellow Dog Linux for Mac PowerPC over the holiday, taking advantage of the parents’ cable net connection. Thought I’d try to install it on the old 6500/250, which is otherwise sitting around gathering dust. Installation was easy (provided I actually read the instructions on occasion). The only problem is that the 6500 is currently using an even more ancient monitor, a 640×480 beauty that came with my first Mac, an LC III. So when Linux boots for the first time, a little bit of the right edge of the screen is obscured. So I play around with the settings.
Maybe I’ve missed something obvious but I don’t think Linux will really be ready for everyday use until it becomes easy to undo monitor settings mistakes without having to reinstall the entire system.
I Demand My CSN!

Cable Science Network. This might just get me to actually want cable TV again.
Heh. Murphy’s Law for Lonely People

The New Place

Well, I’m all moved in. (Have been for over a week, actually) Still having the occasional problem absent-mindedly walking to the wrong apartment, only to notice that there doesn’t seem to be anything inside it.
A tradeoff in the skywatching category: from the old apartment, just by the arrangement of the neighboring buildings, gave me a nice view of the ecliptic. Now I can’t see anything in the east, but I’ve got a nice low western horizon. Of course below that horizon it’s all highways, shopping centers, streetlights and lovely fundie billboards, so it’s not that great. But I’ll get some nice sunsets, thin crescent moons, and the occasional planet to see.
Yay, just what I wanted to do this weekend…

It’s official: I’m moving. Yes, this weekend I’m packing up all my worldly belongings, and relocating them approximately 112 feet to the north-northwest. From the lovely 1 bedroom apartment at point A to a slightly lovelier (by virtue of having two bedrooms) apartment at point B.
What can I say? It was a decent deal and I could probably use the extra space. Maybe for once I’ll be able to keep my accumulation of junk confined to the one extra room and keep all the others clean.
Returning the favor

Yeri has linked to me, so I shall link back. Yeri/Jerry is responsible for the little drawing of me that has graced nearly every incarnation of my personal web site ever since he scribbled it on a message board in Alexander dorm at UNC lo so many years ago:
test two

test two.
Drewbert Goes A-Testin’

We’re just doing a little testing here. Perhaps soon I’ll think of something to write about. Maybe not.
Like I said, this is just a test. Yep, just testin’. If you were looking for a real blog, look elsewhere, cause it ain’t here. Merely a test. If this had been an actual blog, you wouldn’t be advised to go somewhere else, because there’d be something interesting to read. But there isn’t. Only a test. And tests aren’t all that interesting usually. So, why are you still here? There’s still nothing to read, just test. You really ought to move along to something more entertaining now. Run along. Go. Vamoose. Shoo. Begone!
Oh, all right, I’ll give you something to look at. A failed omelet attempt. Happy?