Microsoft Markets the iPod
No comment is really necessary here, other than that the Danny Elfman music is a nice touch.
This arrived in my inbox a day after another take on Microsoft appeared over at Daring Fireball, in which John Gruber dissects the following inane, meaningless ad copy:
In a people-ready business, people make it happen. People, ready with software. When you give your people tools that connect, inform, and empower them, they’re ready. Ready to collaborate with partners, suppliers, and customers. Ready to streamline the supply chain, beat impossible deadlines, and develop ideas that can sway the course of industry. Ready to build a successful business: a people-ready business. Microsoft. Software for the people-ready business.
What a Deal!
Turns out it’s a brand of lip balm. Gack.
Sleep Warm, Sleep Well
I used to listen to Henry Boggan evenings on WBT-AM in Charlotte while I was in high school – often after Hornets games. Even called in once. (I have a tape of the call somewhere, but it’s too embarrassing to listen to now.) Such a warm and friendly voice – he’ll be missed.
[update 8/26/07: link rot]
McCain, Redux
Decent McCain discussion on the Straight Dope
Looking back at my previous post, I took a moment to sit and wonder if I was too harsh on Senator McCain. After all, this is politics we’re talking about. Sometimes you have to change your spots to get votes. (Scary though that Republicans calculate that to get elected, they have to snuggle up to the lunatic fringe…)
I happened to download (from iTunes) a recent episode of The Daily Show (I think it was from April 6th) where he was interviewed by Jon Stewart. Now McCain has been on the show a lot, he’s a favorite guest there. Jon acted very disappointed in the senator’s recent actions – especially his preparing to give a speech at Falwell’s university. McCain, for his part, looked somewhat unconfortable responding to those questions, as if they weren’t the answers he really wanted to give. Not that what he gave were “answers” per se.
Similarly, it turns out he’s been rather vague with regards to creationism in schools.
Would he really change his spots back after getting elected? Would he become the ‘straight talker’ he once claimed to be? I dunno. Does he want a second term?
Whatever. If he ever had my vote, it’s lost now.
Audio Politic, or, McCain Flaps His Yap; Flips His Flop
My previous respect for Sen. McCain is pretty much gone after hearing him on Meet The Press the other day. There’s no doubt about it; he’s running for president, and the obligatory pandering to the extreme Christian right has officially begun. Whereas he once referred to Jerry Falwell as an “agent of intolerance”, apparently they’re all buddy-buddy now. Yuck.
He’s still a quick wit, though. His last comment to Tim Russert in the interview: “I haven’t had this much fun since my last interrogation.”
Meanwhile, it becomes increasingly clear to me that Thomas Friedman is a very, very smart person. Well worth a close listen, IMHO.
My Advice to Motorcycle Enthusiasts in Gaston County, NC
Flip the bird at any low flying unmanned surveillance drones you see overhead.
Markedly pointed signs wouldn’t be a bad idea either.
Microsoftian Dilbertianism
Why hello there. Sorry I haven’t been around much lately. It’s been a slow several months in drewbert’s life.
Hell, who am I kidding, they’re all slow. Hence the title of my little corner of the the web.
Anyhow, here’s a good MacGeekery article about the state of things at Microsoft. It’s not particularly pretty.
As a Mac fan, I might be cheering at the slower-than-molasses development pace of Windows Vista, but the article makes a good point:
Apple exists to challenge Microsoft. Microsoft exists to give Apple something to compete against. It’s a battle of innovation vs. marketing and we’re slowly winning that battle but if there’s no one left to fight then I’d give Apple ten years before it gets as bad as Microsoft is today.
The Tick… on DVD?
My credit card waits in anticipation…
Minor Victory
Remember the days, way back when. You know, three posts below this one, as I was whining I couldn’t get Broadcast’s Microtronics 2 album? Well, turns out they had a few left after the tour and put them up for sale on their label’s web site. And so it showed up in my box today – the night before I leave town for a week. Nice timing there.
So I’m happy now.
The album’s weird.
You wouldn’t like it.
Unless you’re into that sort of thing.
Which I am.
Yeah, if I were a quadzillionaire, I could stand living in this part of town. Oh well.
Anyway, got to see the brand new Darwin exhibit at the Museum of Natural History. Highly recommended if you’re in town.
* This one’s only five points.